On March 9, 2023, a workshop was held in the premises of the Office of Local and Economic Development of the city of Niš, which was conducted with the intention of defining the Objectives that will be part of the Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan.
Representative of the consultant team (Cestra) reflected on the previous workshop, which aimed to define the challenges, and the feedback received from the participants represents an excellent starting point for setting the Objectives of sustainable mobility in the city of Niš.
The focus of the workshop was the discussion on:Seven sets of proposed objectives were presented to the participants, which define the desired changes in the mobility of the city of Niš in the time period until 2037. For each of the Objective, indicators are presented that will monitor progress in objective achievement, as well as target values that define to what extent it is necessary to achieve a certain Objective.
- Objectives,
- SUMP Indicators and
- Target values of indicators.
Representatives from relevant institutions presented their perspectives on the issue of objective, indicators and target values of indicators for all seven presented Objectives. This feedback is of great importance for the further implementation of the Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan. The outcome of the collaborative objective-setting work is the starting point for defining concrete measures to improve urban mobility of the city of NIš.
On the premises of the Office of Local and Economic Development of the City of Niš, on March 2, 2023, a workshop was held with the aim of discussing the current situation and identifying mobility problems in the city.
Representative of the consultant team (Cestra) introduced the participants to the current activities related to the preparation of the transport model and the current goals of the Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan.
The workshop focused on two topics:Participants were presented with the results of a household survey that included questions about citizens' daily movements, as well as their views on the transport system of the city of Niš – the quality of public transport services, taxi transport, cycling infrastructure, pedestrian infrastructure and parking.
- Presentation of the current state of mobility in the city of Niš,
- Identification of mobility problems in the city of Niš.
The analysis of the current situation identified the main mobility problems in the city, which was the starting point for the group discussion.
Representatives of the relevant institutions presented their observations regarding the mobility challenges in the city of Niš, which is very useful feedback for the further process of developing the Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan.
The goal of the workshop was fulfilled and the final set of challenges in the city regarding mobility was defined. Identified challenges will be considered when setting the objectives of the SUMP, which will be discussed with interested parties in the following workshops.
The workshop, which was conducted with the aim of discussing the status of the development of the Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan and the General Urban Plan of the city of Niš, was held on February 28, 2023. in the premises of the Urban Planning Institute of the city of Niš.
Representative of the consultant team (Cestra) introduced the participants to the previous activities for the preparation of the Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan and the expected results it will bring.
The discussion focused on two topics:Representatives of the Urban Planning Institute of the city of Niš informed the participants of the discussion about the status of the development of planning documents in the city, what data were collected for this purpose and what are the planned activities of the Urban Planning Institute and the city administration in the following period in the preparation of planning documents.
- The status of the development of the General Urban Plan of the city of Niš and its dynamics,
- Goals of the development of traffic infrastructure and the improvement of the transport system.
The conclusion of the discussion is that mutual cooperation between the consultants of the SUMP and the Urban Planning Institute is important for the successful preparation of the SUMP and Planning documentation.
There is a desire for mutual cooperation and a mutual interest in providing the data collected for the preparation of the Planning Documentation and SUMP to the other party, in order to promote the implementation of the vision of developing a sustainable traffic infrastructure in the city of Niš.
The first panel discussion was held on December 20, 2022 in the hall of the “Oficirski dom” in the city of Niš.
Tanja Obradović, Chief City Planner for the City of Niš, welcomed the participants of the First Panel Discussion.
Consultant Aleksandar Trifunović (Cestra) informed participants of the previous activities on SUMP development, expected results, initial findings and way of work on panel discussion.
Organization of traffic surveys
Based on the review of available data Project team has prepared proposal
for additional surveysand surveys are being conducted in the period October - November 2022 as this
period is considered as representative period for traffic surveys implementation.
Traffic surveys include traffic counting on urban road network, household surveys and
public transport surveys.
Initial meeting of working group
Upon adoption of the decision for establishment of Working Group for SUMP development
workshop with nominated members of working group has been held on 27 October 2022.Project team has presented project objectives, expected results, activities and workplan.
Project team has presented current status of the activities conducted in period from
the commencement of the project and tentative workplan of project meetings and
workshops. Member of working group presented their institutions and organizations.
Discussion of the main challenges related to urban mobility in Nis was initiated by the
Project team and members of working group presented their views on this topic and proposals.
Meeting with relevant stakeholders
Meeting with relevant stakeholders was held on 6 October 2022 in Urban Planning Institute of Nispremisses where also representatives of Public transport Directorate, Land Development Agency,
City Administration for Communal Activities and Inspection Works Niš were present. Project team
has presented objectives of the project and workplan for its implementation and current status of
activities on data collection. The objective of the meeting was, as well, discussion on data gaps and
potential alternative data sources. Following the conclusion from the meetings, additional data was
requested from the competent authorities. In addition, subject of this meeting was assessment of
institutional capacity of the CoN for implementation of SUMP measures.
Establishment of working group for SUMP Development
Based on the Decision of the Mayor of Niš number 3502/2022-01, from 27 September 2022,
the Unit for the Development of the Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan of Niš (Working group) was established.Working group includes representatives of the city, city administration,
experts from city institutions, science and academic institutions,
non-governmental organizations, public companies, private sector,
experts in the transport and planning field, mobility, and the organizations
of civil society. The Chief City Urban Planner is nominated as the coordinator
of the SUMP working group.
Working group is involved in the development and monitoring of SUMP
process. The main tasks of the SUMP working group are mapping the planning
documentation related to sustainable urban mobility, data collectionand information
necessary for SUMP development, the preparation of the current state of mobility analysis,
formulation of priorities, goals and measures,support in the participation and consultations,
preparation of up-to date information, etc.
European Mobility Week 16 – 22 September 2022
Representatives of the Cestra team, as consultants on the recently started project of the Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan of the city of Niš, participated in the European Mobility Week in the city of Niš.
Our company’s experts used this opportunity to present the Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan. They provided a more
detailed explanation of the Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan’s contents to the Niš residents and emphasized the
significance of their participation in a focused survey to help the Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan come to fruition.
Significant interactions were also created with coworkers from the City Administration of Niš, the Directorate for Public
Transport of Niš, and the Parking Service of Niš, who highlighted their availability for collaboration and expressed great
interest in the outcomes that the Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan will produce.
At the end of the day, a meeting with Tanja Obradović, Chief City Planner of Niš, was held to discuss
the project's goals.
Establishment of Project Management Unit
In order to ensure participation of high levels of the local government and ensure smoot realization of activities on SUMP development CoN has formed Project Management Unit.Based on the decision of the Mayor of Niš, number 3392/2022-01,
from 15 September 2022, Project management unit for SUMP has been established with the have following responsibilities:
› To coordinate and supervise SUMP development
› To review SUMP development phases
› takes care of representing the interests of the City and providing information to the public in the process of SUMP
development and smooth transfer of information important for the SUMP development from the City administration
to the Unit for the Development of SUMP (working group).
› Direct work of Unit for the Development of SUMP (working group).
Decision on SUMP Development
City Assembly has adopted decision on development of SUMP for City of Niš for period 2023 – 2037 on the meeting held on 9 September 2022.Decision is published in official gazette of City of Niš No 85.
After the official Kick-off meeting, which was conducted online on July 11, 2022, an ON-SITE Kick-off meeting was held at the City Hall Niš on August 4, 2022.Tanja Obradović, Chief City Planner for the City of Niš, formally welcomed everyone to the initial meeting and presented attendees from the City side. Mr Paul Hickey Senior (EIB) and Mr Mehmet Celik (EIB) introduced themselves and their role in the project.
The team of consultants, represented by Jasna Stojiljković Milić (Cestra) and Aleksandar Trifunović (Cestra), presented
the consortium that will implement the project, the project team and expected results. They also presented details of
the work plan and various activities that will be implemented within the Project.
All the participants expressed their satisfaction and willingness to continue the implementation of this significant
project for the city of Niš in the same flow.
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Its contents are the sole responsibility of CESTRA and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.